CBD Oil Benefits + How it Helped my Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Have you ever wondered about CBD oil, its uses and benefits?

I did too! Thanks to Kelly Brozyna’s “The Spunky Coconut”, I had a chance to find out a little bit more.  Kelly stopped by Snackin’ Free in May to let me know that she was working with a CBD oil company. She wants to help people understand the benefits of CBD oil. The Spunky Coconut, Kelly, was gracious enough to leave me a sample for my own use.

Recently I ran out of my prescription medication that helps moderate my Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) symptoms. Unfortunately, this time the pharmacist required me to see my doctor to get a refill. I was unable to get an appointment until July 1 (almost two months out). I decided to try the CBD oil, and much to my surprise, it worked. My symptoms were very minimal from my RA.  Since then I have been taking CBD oil, and without the use of pharmaceutical medicine, I have been able to function fairly well.  

I have tried to stop taking my meds several times, but every time the pain and stiffness associated with RA would return in a few days.  When I woke up in the morning it would take me a few minutes just to get started – my hands, feet, ankles, hips, and back were so stiff I had to convince them to want to move. Getting in and out of a seated position was slow and sometimes it took me a few minutes just to straighten up.  However, when I started taking the CBD oil this time; the pain and stiffness I experienced before did not return, sitting and standing were no longer problems either. I felt as if I hadn’t stopped taking my meds at all.