Did you know?
Even though the starting ingredient in distilled white vinegar may be glutenous the resulting product is not.
Most of you know that we use distilled white vinegar in dressings and some other products and that certain vinegars or alcoholic beverages may start with a form of glutenous grain.
Most white vinegar in the United States is made through the distillation process. The distillation process removes all gluten from the final products. Vinegars are routinely distilled and made from apples, corn, potatoes, or other food substances, but even distilled vinegar made from wheat is safe for people with gluten intolerance because the gluten proteins are removed from the end product during the distillation process.
During the distillation process, the liquid is boiled, the vapor (or steam) is then “captured” and cooled. The end liquid is called the distillate. Distillation separates substances that are volatile (meaning they vaporize) from less volatile substances. Protein is not volatile and does not vaporize. Consequently, even if wheat, barley, or rye was used to make a distilled product, gluten-containing proteins will not be found in the final distillate.” There are however some exceptions including malt vinegars (made from barley); flavored vinegars, which may contain gluten in the flavorings; and some imported vinegars that have wheat products added after distillation. Vinegars used in condiments made in the United States are typically safe for patients with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
The Gluten-Free Nutrition Guide (Tricia Thompson, McGraw-Hill, 2008