OC Foodie | Kelli
January 12, 2016
Snackin’ Free, a Murrieta, California based bakery cafe, which offers delectable eat-in or on-the go-food options made in a entirely dedicated kitchen free of gluten, grain, dairy, soy, peanuts, yeast, and artificial ingredients, is now taking their popular brand to the next level by offering their products to consumers nationwide via on line shopping through their own website and soon through Amazon. For Laura Savinovich, the brand’s founder and chef, making the switch to such a restrictive diet was difficult, but ultimately achievable. Now her goal is to bring her artisanal made and truly delicious foods and baked goods to those folks who, like herself, have found it hard to find foods that are not only good for you but taste good as well.
Savinovich turned to the Paleo lifestyle as a way to help with the fatigue, pain, and weight gain associated with her Rheumatoid Arthritis. Finding relief through her new diet, but a lack of viable food options on the market, she decided to fill the niche herself and to share her own experience and the knowledge gained with others making it easier for them to succeed on their journeys toward health while still being able to enjoy those foods we all crave and love.
Savinovich said that even the most unsuspecting things like soy sauce, taco season, candy and even make up, lotions and soaps can contain gluten, grains, soy and/ or refined sugars.It forces the consumer to be on your guard,to become an investigator of sorts and to question all products and every ingredient, especially those that have names you can not pronounce. “I feel privileged that we can share our products with customers nation wide and honored that they place their complete trust and confidence in us knowing that everything we make is made in a completely dedicated Kitchen and that the quality and taste will always be their best, said Savinovich.”
At Snackin’ Free they pair low glycemic sweeteners with high fiber flours and nut meals to create an array of delicious and nutritious foods including paleo breads, tortillas, pizzas, and sandwiches, barbecue sauce and salad dressings, as well as cupcakes, cookies and various other baked goods, cereals and more all made in a completely dedicated facility by team members whose own dietary restrictions have made them devotees to the brand’s quest for great taste with simplicity and honesty. “I don’t advocate that eating certain foods will cure any illness but rather eating certain foods can improve one’s health,” said Savinovich. “I am living proof that it can impact your life in a positive way.”
Snackin’ Free’s products can be purchased online at www.snackinfree.com or at its brick and mortar location in Old Town Murrieta, where it provides the community with fresh food daily.